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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A brief hello

Greetings! You may be wondering where I've been. Or not. I'll tell you anyway.

Killian is using the potty (poops included) more than ever. So all day, every day, goes something like this: he uses the potty just enough to get candy...I give him the candy and clean him up before dumping the contents of the potty into the toilet...I clean the potty and place it back into the seat...he goes again five minutes later, thus restarting the cycle all over again. I used an entire roll of paper towels yesterday just cleaning his potty! Last week, when I reported that he was parsing out the pee in order to get more candy, I wasn't exaggerating. And I am tired. But I am also happy he is that much closer to being toilet trained so we can do away with pull-ups once and for all.

Today is Killian's last day in the ECI program as well. He's been in ECI (which stands for Early Childhood Intervention) for about a year now, but since he will be three this Saturday, he is no longer eligible for the program and will transition to services in our school district. I cannot say enough good things about ECI. The speech therapist has been wonderful. For those unfamiliar with ECI, it's a program for kids ages 0-3 who have developmental delays, which encompasses everything from speech delays (like Killian) to autism. They do home visits so you never have to take your child to an office and they bill your insurance (if you have any). If your insurance does not cover their services or you don't have insurance, then the services are paid for by state funds, so it's totally free (and one of the few programs that our asshat governor hasn't cut). The services through our school district will be free as well. Killian was evaluated last month by a psychologist and speech therapist with the district and approved for their PCCD program. Starting in August, he will go for half a day to enhanced pre-school, where he will continue to receive speech therapy. Transportation is furnished via a school bus; much to Shelby's amusement, it will be a short bus with air conditioner and seat belts. I am really looking forward to this, mainly because he will have peers to socialize with again. We had to pull him out of daycare when Danny lost his job, so Killian hasn't had too many playmates since.

Speaking of, today Danny has an informal interview for a job. Here's hoping, especially since my unemployment has run out and God only knows if or when Congress will approve the extension. I am praying they do because if not, I don't know how we're going to eat. I figured out recently that if we never spent money at the grocery store or Target, we could pay all of our bills pretty well. Damn human physiology, needing food and water to survive. Booooo.

Shower time!

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